Sunday, February 10, 2013

A few weeks before Christmas, I had a work trip that we've been meaning to share pictures of.  Most of the family has heard about it but haven't seen the pictures we've promised.  I just went on another trip this month that was related to my last trip so now I have to put some more pictures up.  I make that sound less fun than it really is... it's just this writing part that I dislike.

I had a chance to go to China to help get some prototypes made and start the manufacturing process of some helmets we have been working on.  I was really stoked that I was able to make the trip on such short notice and learned a lot from the experiences I had while there.  Trisha might view that all a little different but she was awesome in supporting me while I was away for work.  She's always been great about that even when that means she's going to have it extra hard for a while.

I traveled with a fellow designer from work which made the trip a little less foreign than it might have felt had I traveled alone.  We flew into Hong Kong and stayed the first night there, then took a ferry to Zhuhai, then rode to the factory which was about an hour or so away by car.  That week while we were at the factory we had the same daily routine so the days started to blend together.  We were at the factory all day except for when they would take us to lunch and dinner then back to our hotel.  We had lots of Chinese food, which was different than Chinese food (in America).  I'll spare all the details but it was a successful trip in lots of ways and it was a great experience.

A little group of us from work went to Denver for a snow sports show that happens there each year.  We had some clients showing new products there and we were meeting with some others that we are hoping to start work with soon.  Cinco did the booth design as well but I only worked on the actual helmets that our client showed off at SIA.  Everything looked great and it was a good short trip.  We walked a ton the two days we were at the show and we enjoyed one late night watching some boxing that Electric sponsored and gave us tickets to.  Danny Kass was the referee and we saw lots of other riders around the show and at the fight, pretty cool.  There is less to tell or show about the actual trip but I am excited to show you some more of the stuff I've been working on over the last few months... and while on my trip to China.  Here is a link to a video Cinco made for these helmets as well.

This is a taste of the show and a cool Porsche.


  1. This is cool. I want to ask what's in the food pictures and the one where you're holding it with a gloved hand...but maybe I don't want to know. :) You need to hook Trisha up with some pearls if you go again since they're cheap over there!

  2. Oh, your helmet stuff is cool too! Awesome experience to have in more ways than one.

  3. Very cool pics and experiences. The helmets are very cool. The stories you told about the food came back to me when I saw the pics. Yikes. :)
